Memories from the 5th annual Nampa Ride and 2022 Official Iron Butt ride somewhere in Utah!

This was just a highlight of the 5th annual Nampa ride outside of Baker City, OR.  Hope you can join us this year for the 20th anniversary ride in August!  The video was taken by Randy Westover with Steve Cloud assisting. 2022 Official Iron Butt clip courtesy of “Ski” Sandusky. Click on the links below […]

Stadri Emblems on Thunder in the Valley

We asked Stadri Emblems of Woodstock, NY to design and manufacture our 10th, 15th, and 20th Annual Nampa “Iron Butt” Ride patches. They always do an excellent job and we can’t wait to get them each time. They even featured our patch and our club on their blog. Here’s an excerpt from the article: “PNC […]