Preparing for the riding season…


1. Check tire condition and that they are properly inflated.
2. Your tires should be changed every six years.
3. New tires are slick so be sure to break them in before any long rides.
4. Check bike well before a trip make sure everything is working and again test ride it.

When riding:
Scan for hazards
Identify the hazard
Predict what are going to do in this situation execute your decision with care.

Safety Riding Tips:
1. As you’re riding don’t fixate on any one thing be aware and be looking ahead of you.
2. Remember when you turn your head your bike goes the direction that you were looking.
3. When on open roads be aware of wildlife dangers.
4. Watch for cars on side streets. If their front wheel is moving even slowly slow down and give them time to make their decision. Watch their head see if they’re looking left and right which would indicate they’re getting ready to pull out.
5. Know what keeps you awake and be more aware of surroundings during your downtime in the day.
6. Be aware of any medication side-effects that might affect your riding ability.
7. Stay hydrated and have a good sunblock.